主页 > 团队队伍 艺术设计系 > 数字媒体艺术教研室 > 正文

2023-11-17 点击:[]










二、 代表性学术成果


1.中央高校基本科研业务费项目,《基于心智模型的适老化车机界面设计研究》, 2022.04-2024.03(主持);

2. 日本文部科学省,国际共同研究项目,《基于行为选择和记忆认知行为科学的自适应问题解决能力发展环境的构建》,2020.04-2024.03(参与);

3. 日本科学振兴会,基础研究项目, 《基于认知时间的娱乐产品设计构造研究》,2013.04-2016.09 (参与)。



1.Zhang, H., Lee, S. (2023). "Drowsiness Prevention System in Automatic Driving -- Effects of Light Position on Comfortable and Unconscious Wakefulness During Driving". Intelligent Human Systems Integration, vol 69;

2.Yu, Z., Luo, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, R., Lee, S. (2022). Development of Teleoperation System for Overhead Handling Cranes.  International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics 2022;

3.Zhang, H., Yu, Z., Zhang, C., Zhang, R., Liu, Y., Lee, S. (2022). User-Centered Information Architecture of Vehicle AR-HUD Interface. HCI in Mobility, Transport, and Automotive Systems. HCII 2022;

4.Zhang, H., Lee, S. (2021). “Collecting the Information Needs of Skilled and Beginner Drivers Based on a User Mental Model for a Customized AR-HUD Interface”, Journal of Science of Emotion and Sensibility, no. 24(4): 53-68;

5.Yu, Z., Luo, J., Zhang, H., Zhang, R., Lee, S. (2021). "Approaches for Motion Control Interface and Tele-Operated Overhead Crane Handling Tasks", Processes, no. 12: 2148;

6.Zhang, H., Ji, W., Lee, S. (2020), Take-Over Request in Highly Automated Driving: A Survey on Driving Experience and Emergency Operation Accuracy, International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering, Volume ISASE2020, ISASE2020, Session ID 2-B-4(Best Paper);

7.Ji, W., Zhang, H., Zhang, C., Xiao J., Lee, S. (2020). "Greeting, Function, and Music: How Users Chat with Voice Assistants", Journal of Science of Emotion and Sensibility, no. 23(2): 61-74;

8.Zhang, H., Lee, S. (2020). “A User-centered Auditory Design in Interaction Between Electric Vehicle and Pedestrian”, International Journal of Affective Engineering, no.19(3)。



1.参加“The 8th International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research(第八届感性工学与情感研究国际会议)”并作主题报告,2017.12.13;


3.受邀参加“Kansei Design Thinking Applied to Making Inventions(感性设计思维应用于发明创造)”国际论坛并作主题讲座,2019.5.14;

4.参加“The 6th International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering(第六届情感科学与工程国际研讨会)”并作主题报告,2020.3.15;

5.组织TED Talk日本特别活动“TEDxUTsukuba”研讨会,2020.11.29;

6.参加“The 23rd International Conference on Kansei Engineering (第二十六届感性工学国际会议)”并作主题报告,2021.9.2;

7.参加“The 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics(第十一届国际应用人因工程与功效学会议)”,2022.6.25;

8.参加“The 24th International Conference on Human- Computer Interaction(第二十四届人机交互国际会议)”并作主题报告,2022.6.27;

9.受邀参加“The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Human Systems Integration(第七届智能人类系统集成国际会议)”并作主题报告,2023.2.22。






4.无人驾驶汽车疲劳预防安全系统测试,标准制定,日本Toyoda Gosei(丰田无人驾驶研究所),2016.08-2018.10;

5.可提高社会接受度的自动驾驶界面设计原则调查,咨询报告,CDS Co.,Ltd经营战略研究所,2017.04-2019.06;




